You had to be *really* fast today because if you blinked, you missed it. Yup, Autodesk released AutoCAD 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1) into the wild on this date (22-Aug-2012)! Or did they? It turns out they both did and they didn't because almost as soon as it was set free Autodesk pulled it, ney, they yanked it like a bad tooth... because it was apparently. If you go to the Autodesk Service and Support site now (as this is being written) this is what you'll see:
AutoCAD 2013 Service Pack 1
Service Pack 1 for AutoCAD 2013 has been temporarily removed due to a newly discovered fatal error. The AutoCAD team is actively working on resolving this and a new service pack will be posted here as soon as it is available.
The words, "fatal error" always catch my attention. Maybe it's just "fatal". Anyway, that word in anything will make me sit up and get focused. The boards are still somewhat quiet (stunned?!) about all this so I'm not quite sure what any of it means other than:
1. It's becomming more important than ever to wait a few days (weeks, months, etc) before ever installing a new AutoCAD release; and,
2. It's equally worth your time, money, and sanity to wait a few days (weeks, or months, we'll see, etc) before ever installing a new Service Pack.
Whack-A-Mole anyone? Stay tuned!